Travails of an ungeeker

Thursday, January 26, 2006

MCMS Site Manager Export 404 error

Here's an undocumented solution:

Using Microsoft Content Managment Server 2002 SP1a, the Site Manager export would preview, but at the end of an export (during the write) stopped with the message: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found

The Microsoft FAQ entry entitled "Topic: 404 during Site Deployment" lists some tips that did not solve it for me. I just lost 3 hours on this and saw no mention on the web of the fix I needed on the web for this which follows:

The solution for me was to change the "Local Disk Cache Location" and set permissions on this folder. It was previously set to a to the MCMS server folder, which I saw evidence had been previously altered.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Ubuntu on VMware player is pretty cool too

I've been playing a while with Ubuntu. I'm running it it under VMware Player and am very impressed. Having converted to Microsoft VirtualPC 2 years ago through MSDN and not trying it since - it is now clear the VMware are still ahead.

The Ubuntu installed very easily. I had the following initial fun:
  • default password for ubuntu is ubuntu - didn't see it documented anywhere but found it by trial and error.
  • Networking didn't initially work. Had to set the DNS server. Setting it didn't work at first, and then after it did, it reverted to an old IP address on me after a suspend/resume. Aftersetting it again it finally stays there.
  • Eclipse installed apparently fine using the built in "add package" command, but the configuration complains about missing files and will not let me install any additional packages (I want to add Mono).