Travails of an ungeeker

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Dude, why can’t I add a Workflow or Form Library to Enterprise MOSS?

Because in a publishing site some features are not activated by default. Activating the features below adds back your functionality you are used to on a collaboration site. I had this issue on two separate projects this week!

Ensure that the following features are enabled (on the site and the site collection):

  1. Office SharePoint Server Enterprise Site features
  2. Team Collaboration Lists
  3. Office SharePoint Server Standard Site features


Monday, December 18, 2006

Visio Reverse Engineer error - cannot extract column definition

Got this error because the tables were not owned by dbo. When I changed the ownership to dbo then the tables imported into Visio just fine. Tried importing (linking) the tables into Access using the same DSN and Access had no trouble. Surprisingly there were no posts about this when I Googled...

Friday, November 10, 2006

Copying a Visual Studio Setup (MSI) project

In VS2003 setup projects are XML files, so you would think it is a simple matter if you are creating a bunch of related MSIs to copy one as a starting point and edit it. Well it does kind of work the steps are:

Open the .vdproj file and search for
"ProductCode" = "8:{189150D4-09F3-4998-B4B5-A2372E629E66}"
"PackageCode" = "8:{49B725DB-21AC-4FD1-AB84-95D5D2A9EA16}"
"UpgradeCode" = "8:{6394DA18-20B7-48CB-ACA6-C10B9DFC596B}"

Replace all three GUIDS by generating new ones - uppercase characters only! (select newid() in SQL returns GUIDS in uppercase).

Now when you save and open the copy in VS it works. You might get some strange errors, that will lead you to think this is like a corrupted binary file encoded in XML. Occasionally I have had to throw away a file that renders fine in VS but generates bad MSIs.

I'm still trying to decide if this approach is worth it myself, but it can save a lot of time.